Dear yogis, right now our practice feels more necessary now than ever. I hope you are managing to pause and take a few breaths whenever you can. This beautiful spring day feels very well timed & much needed.
I have decided to pause classes briefly before moving online & outside. This has been a very difficult decision, but feels to me today to be necessary. I will continue to support all of you & my wider community in every way that I can.
All prepay cards will of course be extended as needed.
Please let me know if you have any requests (or suggestions) for online or outside sessions. These will be by donation only x
Please continue to practice in whatever way you can, even just pausing for a few breaths every now & then will make a big difference. If you would like me to recommend any online resources let me know & I will post some links here.
Please take care of yourselves & all those around you. Keep breathing x Lauren